Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Group Of Counselors At Lunch At A Local Restaurant

A group of counselors in a large clinic are at lunch at a local restaurant. During the course of lunch, Frank and Megan start getting into a discussion about a tough case. Emily is an intern and due to the type of work she wants to do is limited to just several settings. Frank and Megan are both her supervisors and hiring managers at the setting. Emily is very uncomfortable since they are using client names and information. Client Confidentiality Psychotherapy is an intense and complex process, that can be isolating for many practitioners. Consequently, many counselors turn to their peers for guidance and support when faced with difficult cases. When doing so, counselors must always strive to maintain client’s confidentiality since it is the cornerstone of a therapeutic relationship and is an ethical duty (APA, 2002). The ACA Code of Ethics (American Counseling Association [ACA], 2014) states that counselors protect confidential information of a client and when consulting with others, do not disclose information that could lead to the identification of a client without the client s prior consent. Additionally, confidential information is only discussed in settings, where clients’ privacy can be ensured (Standard B.3.c). That brings one to one of the main ethical issues in the above case. It is not clear whether counselors Frank and Megan have obtained informed consent from the client prior to discussing his or her case. Regardless, they are still breaching client’sShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama.1635 Words   |  7 Pagesinvolvement between white and black people there has been social disagreement; mainly with the superiority of the white man over the black man. 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In the year of 1960 four African American students by the names of Ezell Blair Jr., Franklin McCainRead MoreCase Studies13817 Words   |  56 Pageshave more style than money can bid on designer apparel. The site registers members for $30, who are then allowed to bid on exceptional deals. In an effort to stand out from the crowded field of online bargain sites, Fashionforward! reached out to the local community in search of help marketing their company to college students. Part of this effort included hiring a student intern, Carly LeBlanc. At that point, Fashionforward! had no formal marketing strategy for targeting consumers. As someone who grewRead MoreHr 530 Training Class2213 Words   |  9 Pagesof grieving similar to the ones people go through after a loved one has died. People who have gone through being laid off can have a wave of emotions that run from shock and denial to anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. 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February 27, 1998 Burger King Corporation The first Burger King restaurant in Miami in the mid-1950s featured a walk-up window, a limited menu (burgers and shakes for 19 ¢, sodas and fries for 10 ¢), and your food ready by the time you d paid for it. As one early manager recalled, Our windows faced front so we could see customers driving in. With the limited menu, we pretty much knew what they d order and we d have it ready. In the 1960s and 1970sRead MoreDiets Dont Work, Lifestyle Changes Do2759 Words   |  12 Pagesyour lifestyle and the pounds will come off once and for all. Merriam-Webster defines the word diet as â€Å"a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight †, and the word lifestyle as â€Å"the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture (Merriam-Webster). An individual cannot sustain themselves on something that has them eating and drinking sparingly, but an individual can embrace a healthy lifestyle which can easily become a way of life. 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By 2000, more than 43 million people visited one of McDonald’s 26,000 restaurants in 120 countries every single day. That translated to moreRead MoreEssay on Community Health and Population Focused Nursing7251 Words   |  30 Pagesand mild winters, area lakes provide an opportunity for swimming, camping, fishing and boating. There are a plethora of restaurants, movie theatres, and shopping centers. Driving between Dallas and Fort Worth gives multiple options for a night out. The median age of residents is 33.8 years, 50.3% male, and 49.7% female. According to Quick-data.com, the racial/ethnic groups are: White (50.0%) Hispanic (27.6%) and Black (14.9%). Asian- 4.6% Two or more races-1.7% In 2012, the median household

Monday, December 23, 2019

Global Warming Essays - 2294 Words

Introduction Global warming: weve all heard these two words many times before. The problem is caused by us, and therefore- must be solved by us. Of course, it is going to take a few more people than those who are reading this report. The question is, do enough people know about global warming? Do they understand the real causes? Do you understand the real causes? Do you know how you are contributing to this worldwide issue? In this report I aim to inform you the answers to these questions, and some ways we can help prevent this problem. What is global warming? Global warming refers to average global temperature levels increasing- causing climate change. Climate change involves the average global temperatures increasing or†¦show more content†¦Climatologists have been analysing global warming since the late 1800s. A majority of them have concluded that humans are the main cause of the unnatural rapid heating of the globe. The temperature on the planet Venus reaches up to 500 degrees Celsius due to the fact that its atmosphere is 97% made up of carbon dioxide. These numbers show that sustaining life on Venus would not be possible, and that the rapid build up in the atmosphere in earth cannot exceed a particular limit to keep life on earth. The figure below shows the warming and cooling of the globe, and it shows us how much greenhouse gases have contributed to the warming of the globe in the latter part of the 20th century: Is global warming happening already? We know that global warming is already occurring because of the amount of data and statistics climatologists and scientists have developed over the past century. The IPCC concluded in its Fourth Assessment Report, that nearly 90 percent of the 29,000 observational data series examined revealed changes consistent with the expected response to global warming, and the observed physical and biological responses have been greatest in the regions that warmed the most. Some examples of observed climatic changes are: an increase of about 1 °F in the earths global surface temperature in the 20th century; rise in averageShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1353 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming With it being the presidential election season the talk of global warming, also known as climate change has come up in conversation more. But should it be associated with whether you are republican or democrat? Global warming should not be rather you â€Å"believe† in because it is a stated fact. The definition by Oxford Dictionary declares that global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect causedRead MoreThe Warming And Global Warming1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Warming World Around Us The world is warming and we cannot deny it, the longer we deny the larger the problem it will become. Global warming is affecting the world economy, the overall health of the population, and most importantly the environment that surrounds us. Ignoring this problem will not just make it suddenly disappear; the world has to make an effort to stop it while it can still be maintained. Accepting the fact that it is happening is just the first step, the next step is takingRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words   |  7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide’ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, (Direct.gov. n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1245 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming The major threat of today’s world is global warming. Due to various reasons global warming turns out to be a serious issue in the last few years. Today people believe in global warming while this concept was not so much believed and people interpreted in some other meanings what was happening in the past. Global warming is amplification in the temperature of earth because of industrial pollution, fossil fuels, and agricultural practices caused by human being, other and natural gasRead MoreGlobal Warming1316 Words   |  6 PagesControversy over Global Warming One of the largest argued topics in our world today is over global warming. People argue that is real, and others argue that it is fake. The effects of global warming create a growing danger for the ecosystem we live in by damaging glaciers and weather patterns. Humans contribute to global warming yet non-believers will think otherwise. Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) mostRead Moreglobal warming1539 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar radiation is trapped ins ide raising global temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words   |  5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. Using persuasive technique Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for mostRead MoreGlobal Warming1192 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. Personally I don’t care very much about global warming and have never been active in green movements. The evidence presented in this class is very informative and useful when taking into account the numerous known and unknown causes and cures for global warming. However, my attitude towards global warming is unchanged. According to the Common Attitudes Toward Global Warming handout I think

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Poetry essay Free Essays

One of the most renowned American poets, named Emily Dickinson, was a woo man who seemed to be sad and depressed. Her poems had themes of happiness but h err most famous ones were about death. In the poem † I felt a funeral in my brain† she writes about how she imagines how her funeral will feel and look like. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dickinson used literary devices such as imagery, similes, and alliteration to allow her theme of death and depression to be portrayed within the poem. Dickinson in her poem used imagery to create visual representations of dead h. She spoke about all of the people walking to see her at her own funeral. â€Å"l felt a funeral in my b rain, And mourners, to and fro, Kept treading treading. † The people constantly going in and out, never stopping, shows her hopelessness for herself, like the pain will never end, and it will all lead up to her death. The people treading back and forth are her depressed thoughts treading through her mind. The mourners and the pain they feel about the death of Dickinson are I n relation to her actual pain that’s going on inside her. The use of imagery at the â€Å"funeral† dispel y the theme of depression and death. The use of comparing two things apart but together;similes, aids with the t hem of death and depression in Dickinson poetry. The funeral is compared to a beat of drum. † A service like a drum†. The beating of a drum is like the beating of all of her thoughts constant TTYL going through her mind. All these thoughts that keep beating within her brain, begin to all fee el the same, and soon becomes numb to it all. The use of similes comparing the outmoded wit h Dickinson inner world is a manifestation of the theme of death and depression. Dickinson in her poetry uses same consonants sounds written together to allow for her theme to be emphasized. She writes about her body being put down into the ground . â€Å"And I dropped down and down†. The repetition of the consonant â€Å"D† in this case highlights, t he pain slowly getting worse and worse. Dickinson mind folding within itself, going into Dee per worlds of pain. Going â€Å"deeper and deeper† into the ground, or her mind, shows her lie nation from the outside world and only focusing on her pain, and not allowing for her self to g et better, and instantly just getting into a deeper depressed state. Alliteration allows for he r theme of death and depression to be portrayed across in her poetry. Emily Dickinson seemed to be a woman who has a great deal of depression n, and thoughts about death. In her poetry she creates the visual representation of her pain. S he compares in order to portray the depression. Using the same consonants allows for her feelings of pain to be emphasized. Dickinson, with the use of literary devices, allows her pain and h err thoughts about death and her depression to be expressed within her poetry. How to cite Poetry essay, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hinduism And Forgiveness Essay Example For Students

Hinduism And Forgiveness Essay Sin begins in the realm of consciousness. When we are young we are taught by our guardians that which is right from that which is wrong. We grow up with the understanding that stealing our playmates toys or hitting our grandparents is wrong and therefore, a sin. As we mature the concept of sin begins to change; it is no longer quite so easy to define or to explain and its repercussions become much more severe than a grounding. Sin is a malicious act, intent-full, deliberate and harmful. An act is considered sinful when, though the perpetrator may gain some form of momentary satisfaction, the action inflicts harm to someone or something else. In reference to Hinduism, a sin is an immoral act; It is ungodly or unethical. The concept of ahimsa (to do or cause no harm) to a Hindu is very sacred and from childhood he is taught to respect and abide by this ideal. Therefore, any step towards dishonoring this paragon is a sin. The story of Svetaketu Aruneya offers a subtle definition of sin. The boy was so proud of himself for having learned the Vedas that his high opinions of himself stood in the way of his most important lesson and understanding; that of faith. Here, Svetaketus ego served as a maya and kept him from realizing moksha. Since it is the Hindus ultimate goal to achieve moksha, all which stands as a barrier is a sin. In a Hindus life there are different stages which he must pass through before he reaches the end of his life. Each stage is representative of different levels of learning, understanding and growth. Though sin (or rather its potential) is prevalent throughout the four stages, forgiveness becomes an extremely important factor towards reaching moksha. Forgiveness, for the Hindus, begins with self realization that one has sinned. Without this realization, forgiveness cannot begin. The moment this realization is reached the sinner begins his process of forgiveness through growing from his mistakes. Much like the Western traditional views of sin and forgiveness, a Hindu is bound to the same principles; he must consciously realize his sin and with a sincere heart, ask for forgiveness, both to the person he has sinned against and then to God. Shiva, the God of rebirth and destruction is revered by devout Hindus as a God with a very hot and unpredictable temper, but also as a very forgiving and just God. The Gods of Hinduism hold no grudges against repenting sinners and thus, good Hindus must not either. At the source of Hinduism lies transcendence. Not to forgive is a sin in itself for it furthers one from complete liberation. It is understood that in order to achieve peace within oneself, forgiveness is inevitable. Karma, often misunderstood or improperly used in the Western culture, can best be described as the proverbial to each his own. Therefore, it is not for the independent individual to judge whether forgiveness is merited or not. Forgiveness offers relief: relief from pending tensions, ill-feeling and mounting egoism. Forgiveness saves one form becoming selfish and egotistical. Physical exercise, meditation through different forms of yoga, devotion, spiritual cleansing through prayer and public chanting(Sharma, 40), all of these exercises are performed in order to achieve a heightened sense of consciousness. It is through consciousness that one may avoid that which is bad, harmful and evil, both to oneself and to others. This is the achievement of egolessness (24). The more one learns to forgive the happier and more peaceful they will feel. The obtainment of moksha, cannot be realized through the containment of negative energy which is associated with animosity, ill thoughts or malevolence. Rather, Hinduism teaches that it is better to forgive, to receive freedom and gain liberation for oneself, this is fulfillment, this is moksha. .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .postImageUrl , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:visited , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:active { border:0!important; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:active , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Three Universal Deadly Sins EssayReligion .