Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Group Of Counselors At Lunch At A Local Restaurant

A group of counselors in a large clinic are at lunch at a local restaurant. During the course of lunch, Frank and Megan start getting into a discussion about a tough case. Emily is an intern and due to the type of work she wants to do is limited to just several settings. Frank and Megan are both her supervisors and hiring managers at the setting. Emily is very uncomfortable since they are using client names and information. Client Confidentiality Psychotherapy is an intense and complex process, that can be isolating for many practitioners. Consequently, many counselors turn to their peers for guidance and support when faced with difficult cases. When doing so, counselors must always strive to maintain client’s confidentiality since it is the cornerstone of a therapeutic relationship and is an ethical duty (APA, 2002). The ACA Code of Ethics (American Counseling Association [ACA], 2014) states that counselors protect confidential information of a client and when consulting with others, do not disclose information that could lead to the identification of a client without the client s prior consent. Additionally, confidential information is only discussed in settings, where clients’ privacy can be ensured (Standard B.3.c). That brings one to one of the main ethical issues in the above case. It is not clear whether counselors Frank and Megan have obtained informed consent from the client prior to discussing his or her case. Regardless, they are still breaching client’sShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama.1635 Words   |  7 Pagesinvolvement between white and black people there has been social disagreement; mainly with the superiority of the white man over the black man. African Americans make up the largest minority group in the United States and because of this they have been denied their civil rights more than any other minority group(source 12). During the Civil Rights Movement, it was said to be a time full of violence and brutality; however, many African-Americans pulled through in their time of struggle. By records,Read MoreThe Greensboro Sit Ins During The Civil Rights Movement1834 Words   |  8 Pagesand the white. These laws changed how a black or white person was able to go about their daily life. A feeling of control and empowerment was given to white people, as they could participate in more things freely. A white person can w alk into a restaurant and expect immediate service, while a black person may have to go to several different places before they can find someone who will serve them. In the year of 1960 four African American students by the names of Ezell Blair Jr., Franklin McCainRead MoreCase Studies13817 Words   |  56 Pageshave more style than money can bid on designer apparel. The site registers members for $30, who are then allowed to bid on exceptional deals. In an effort to stand out from the crowded field of online bargain sites, Fashionforward! reached out to the local community in search of help marketing their company to college students. Part of this effort included hiring a student intern, Carly LeBlanc. At that point, Fashionforward! had no formal marketing strategy for targeting consumers. As someone who grewRead MoreHr 530 Training Class2213 Words   |  9 Pagesof grieving similar to the ones people go through after a loved one has died. People who have gone through being laid off can have a wave of emotions that run from shock and denial to anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. 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February 27, 1998 Burger King Corporation The first Burger King restaurant in Miami in the mid-1950s featured a walk-up window, a limited menu (burgers and shakes for 19 ¢, sodas and fries for 10 ¢), and your food ready by the time you d paid for it. As one early manager recalled, Our windows faced front so we could see customers driving in. With the limited menu, we pretty much knew what they d order and we d have it ready. In the 1960s and 1970sRead MoreDiets Dont Work, Lifestyle Changes Do2759 Words   |  12 Pagesyour lifestyle and the pounds will come off once and for all. Merriam-Webster defines the word diet as â€Å"a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight †, and the word lifestyle as â€Å"the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture (Merriam-Webster). An individual cannot sustain themselves on something that has them eating and drinking sparingly, but an individual can embrace a healthy lifestyle which can easily become a way of life. 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By 2000, more than 43 million people visited one of McDonald’s 26,000 restaurants in 120 countries every single day. That translated to moreRead MoreEssay on Community Health and Population Focused Nursing7251 Words   |  30 Pagesand mild winters, area lakes provide an opportunity for swimming, camping, fishing and boating. There are a plethora of restaurants, movie theatres, and shopping centers. Driving between Dallas and Fort Worth gives multiple options for a night out. The median age of residents is 33.8 years, 50.3% male, and 49.7% female. According to Quick-data.com, the racial/ethnic groups are: White (50.0%) Hispanic (27.6%) and Black (14.9%). Asian- 4.6% Two or more races-1.7% In 2012, the median household

Monday, December 23, 2019

Global Warming Essays - 2294 Words

Introduction Global warming: weve all heard these two words many times before. The problem is caused by us, and therefore- must be solved by us. Of course, it is going to take a few more people than those who are reading this report. The question is, do enough people know about global warming? Do they understand the real causes? Do you understand the real causes? Do you know how you are contributing to this worldwide issue? In this report I aim to inform you the answers to these questions, and some ways we can help prevent this problem. What is global warming? Global warming refers to average global temperature levels increasing- causing climate change. Climate change involves the average global temperatures increasing or†¦show more content†¦Climatologists have been analysing global warming since the late 1800s. A majority of them have concluded that humans are the main cause of the unnatural rapid heating of the globe. The temperature on the planet Venus reaches up to 500 degrees Celsius due to the fact that its atmosphere is 97% made up of carbon dioxide. These numbers show that sustaining life on Venus would not be possible, and that the rapid build up in the atmosphere in earth cannot exceed a particular limit to keep life on earth. The figure below shows the warming and cooling of the globe, and it shows us how much greenhouse gases have contributed to the warming of the globe in the latter part of the 20th century: Is global warming happening already? We know that global warming is already occurring because of the amount of data and statistics climatologists and scientists have developed over the past century. The IPCC concluded in its Fourth Assessment Report, that nearly 90 percent of the 29,000 observational data series examined revealed changes consistent with the expected response to global warming, and the observed physical and biological responses have been greatest in the regions that warmed the most. Some examples of observed climatic changes are: an increase of about 1 °F in the earths global surface temperature in the 20th century; rise in averageShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1353 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming With it being the presidential election season the talk of global warming, also known as climate change has come up in conversation more. But should it be associated with whether you are republican or democrat? Global warming should not be rather you â€Å"believe† in because it is a stated fact. The definition by Oxford Dictionary declares that global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect causedRead MoreThe Warming And Global Warming1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Warming World Around Us The world is warming and we cannot deny it, the longer we deny the larger the problem it will become. Global warming is affecting the world economy, the overall health of the population, and most importantly the environment that surrounds us. Ignoring this problem will not just make it suddenly disappear; the world has to make an effort to stop it while it can still be maintained. Accepting the fact that it is happening is just the first step, the next step is takingRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words   |  7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide’ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, (Direct.gov. n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1245 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming The major threat of today’s world is global warming. Due to various reasons global warming turns out to be a serious issue in the last few years. Today people believe in global warming while this concept was not so much believed and people interpreted in some other meanings what was happening in the past. Global warming is amplification in the temperature of earth because of industrial pollution, fossil fuels, and agricultural practices caused by human being, other and natural gasRead MoreGlobal Warming1316 Words   |  6 PagesControversy over Global Warming One of the largest argued topics in our world today is over global warming. People argue that is real, and others argue that it is fake. The effects of global warming create a growing danger for the ecosystem we live in by damaging glaciers and weather patterns. Humans contribute to global warming yet non-believers will think otherwise. Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) mostRead Moreglobal warming1539 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar radiation is trapped ins ide raising global temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words   |  5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. Using persuasive technique Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for mostRead MoreGlobal Warming1192 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. Personally I don’t care very much about global warming and have never been active in green movements. The evidence presented in this class is very informative and useful when taking into account the numerous known and unknown causes and cures for global warming. However, my attitude towards global warming is unchanged. According to the Common Attitudes Toward Global Warming handout I think

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Poetry essay Free Essays

One of the most renowned American poets, named Emily Dickinson, was a woo man who seemed to be sad and depressed. Her poems had themes of happiness but h err most famous ones were about death. In the poem † I felt a funeral in my brain† she writes about how she imagines how her funeral will feel and look like. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dickinson used literary devices such as imagery, similes, and alliteration to allow her theme of death and depression to be portrayed within the poem. Dickinson in her poem used imagery to create visual representations of dead h. She spoke about all of the people walking to see her at her own funeral. â€Å"l felt a funeral in my b rain, And mourners, to and fro, Kept treading treading. † The people constantly going in and out, never stopping, shows her hopelessness for herself, like the pain will never end, and it will all lead up to her death. The people treading back and forth are her depressed thoughts treading through her mind. The mourners and the pain they feel about the death of Dickinson are I n relation to her actual pain that’s going on inside her. The use of imagery at the â€Å"funeral† dispel y the theme of depression and death. The use of comparing two things apart but together;similes, aids with the t hem of death and depression in Dickinson poetry. The funeral is compared to a beat of drum. † A service like a drum†. The beating of a drum is like the beating of all of her thoughts constant TTYL going through her mind. All these thoughts that keep beating within her brain, begin to all fee el the same, and soon becomes numb to it all. The use of similes comparing the outmoded wit h Dickinson inner world is a manifestation of the theme of death and depression. Dickinson in her poetry uses same consonants sounds written together to allow for her theme to be emphasized. She writes about her body being put down into the ground . â€Å"And I dropped down and down†. The repetition of the consonant â€Å"D† in this case highlights, t he pain slowly getting worse and worse. Dickinson mind folding within itself, going into Dee per worlds of pain. Going â€Å"deeper and deeper† into the ground, or her mind, shows her lie nation from the outside world and only focusing on her pain, and not allowing for her self to g et better, and instantly just getting into a deeper depressed state. Alliteration allows for he r theme of death and depression to be portrayed across in her poetry. Emily Dickinson seemed to be a woman who has a great deal of depression n, and thoughts about death. In her poetry she creates the visual representation of her pain. S he compares in order to portray the depression. Using the same consonants allows for her feelings of pain to be emphasized. Dickinson, with the use of literary devices, allows her pain and h err thoughts about death and her depression to be expressed within her poetry. How to cite Poetry essay, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hinduism And Forgiveness Essay Example For Students

Hinduism And Forgiveness Essay Sin begins in the realm of consciousness. When we are young we are taught by our guardians that which is right from that which is wrong. We grow up with the understanding that stealing our playmates toys or hitting our grandparents is wrong and therefore, a sin. As we mature the concept of sin begins to change; it is no longer quite so easy to define or to explain and its repercussions become much more severe than a grounding. Sin is a malicious act, intent-full, deliberate and harmful. An act is considered sinful when, though the perpetrator may gain some form of momentary satisfaction, the action inflicts harm to someone or something else. In reference to Hinduism, a sin is an immoral act; It is ungodly or unethical. The concept of ahimsa (to do or cause no harm) to a Hindu is very sacred and from childhood he is taught to respect and abide by this ideal. Therefore, any step towards dishonoring this paragon is a sin. The story of Svetaketu Aruneya offers a subtle definition of sin. The boy was so proud of himself for having learned the Vedas that his high opinions of himself stood in the way of his most important lesson and understanding; that of faith. Here, Svetaketus ego served as a maya and kept him from realizing moksha. Since it is the Hindus ultimate goal to achieve moksha, all which stands as a barrier is a sin. In a Hindus life there are different stages which he must pass through before he reaches the end of his life. Each stage is representative of different levels of learning, understanding and growth. Though sin (or rather its potential) is prevalent throughout the four stages, forgiveness becomes an extremely important factor towards reaching moksha. Forgiveness, for the Hindus, begins with self realization that one has sinned. Without this realization, forgiveness cannot begin. The moment this realization is reached the sinner begins his process of forgiveness through growing from his mistakes. Much like the Western traditional views of sin and forgiveness, a Hindu is bound to the same principles; he must consciously realize his sin and with a sincere heart, ask for forgiveness, both to the person he has sinned against and then to God. Shiva, the God of rebirth and destruction is revered by devout Hindus as a God with a very hot and unpredictable temper, but also as a very forgiving and just God. The Gods of Hinduism hold no grudges against repenting sinners and thus, good Hindus must not either. At the source of Hinduism lies transcendence. Not to forgive is a sin in itself for it furthers one from complete liberation. It is understood that in order to achieve peace within oneself, forgiveness is inevitable. Karma, often misunderstood or improperly used in the Western culture, can best be described as the proverbial to each his own. Therefore, it is not for the independent individual to judge whether forgiveness is merited or not. Forgiveness offers relief: relief from pending tensions, ill-feeling and mounting egoism. Forgiveness saves one form becoming selfish and egotistical. Physical exercise, meditation through different forms of yoga, devotion, spiritual cleansing through prayer and public chanting(Sharma, 40), all of these exercises are performed in order to achieve a heightened sense of consciousness. It is through consciousness that one may avoid that which is bad, harmful and evil, both to oneself and to others. This is the achievement of egolessness (24). The more one learns to forgive the happier and more peaceful they will feel. The obtainment of moksha, cannot be realized through the containment of negative energy which is associated with animosity, ill thoughts or malevolence. Rather, Hinduism teaches that it is better to forgive, to receive freedom and gain liberation for oneself, this is fulfillment, this is moksha. .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .postImageUrl , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:visited , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:active { border:0!important; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:active , .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2 .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b1d9d71eeb4567dbe02e8ddf8f086f2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Three Universal Deadly Sins EssayReligion .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Is Screenless Internet the Future of Writing - The Writers For Hire

IS SCREENLESS INTERNET THE FUTURE OF WRITING? It’s hard to remember a time when computers were tied to dial-up land-lines and cell phones were devises used solely for the purpose of making calls. In fact, it seems that nowadays, everywhere you look, people are shackled to their internet enabled cell phones, tablets, or laptops. With ever evolving technology, the dream of working remotely has become more and more accessible to everyday people. Even some doctors are foregoing their normal office visits with patients, and instead adopting a telemedicine method of diagnosing and treating minor illnesses and injuries. As technology continues to advance, though, we have to wonder what the future will look like for the writing profession. The answer to that question may be found in this great article from the New York Times. In the article, columnist Farhad Manjoo, details how he stumbled upon a new way of writing through speech. Manjoo explains how he initially started recording random thoughts and ideas when he was out and about, using a cloud-connected recording app on his phone. Soon, those short, random thoughts turned into full sentences, paragraphs, and column outlines. Manjoo realized that through a few cheap apps and transcription programs, he was able to free himself from sitting down and physically writing out his columns. Instead, he spends two or three mornings a week walking around town, chatting with himself and writing his columns through speech. While this practice may seem strange to some, it definitely poses questions about how necessary a physical device or screen is to the livelihood of a writer, and whether the future may, indeed, become virtually screen-less.

Monday, November 25, 2019

OBriens Depiction of Soldiers Essays

OBriens Depiction of Soldiers Essays OBriens Depiction of Soldiers Essay OBriens Depiction of Soldiers Essay Essay Topic: The Things They Carried War causes a lot of damage not only in the form of destruction of property and death of combatants but also in the long-lasting effects on the military service personnel. Some sustain injuries that take years to heal, causing several functional limitations in terms of movement, bathing, and preparation of meals. These limitations have far-reaching consequences that undermine the quality of the lives of the ex-soldiers. Others experience psychological problems that affect the social aspect of their lives for many years. Although OBriens story focuses on the life of a soldier before and after the war, the arrangement of episodes gives a succinct account of the psychological challenges soldiers face outside combat settings. The highlighted effects often occur after the soldiers are released from the service and seek to integrate themselves into civilian populations. Coping with the scars of war is the greatest challenge that veterans face as they reintegrate into civilian life (Demers 160; Brown 2). In his book, OBrien depicts soldiers as persons filled with guilt for some of the decisions they made either in the batter fields or before military engagements. Due to the problems that veterans encounter after the war, some of them are depicted as overwhelmed by guilt for joining foreign war missions (OBrien 4-14).This is shown in the episode where Norman Bowker regrets for his waste of time in Vietnam. According to Bowker, his friends back at home have achieved a lot in his absence (OBrien 98-107).The death of Kiowa left a lot of guilt in Bowker. Bowker saw his friend helplessly die but could not prevent it since he faced a similar threat (OBrien 96-97).Such experiences leave long-term scars on soldiers. Research elsewhere documents that fears of guilt are common with veterans who are often haunted not only by the failures in the battle fields to protect their friends but also the stark reality of life after assuming civilian culture(Demers 166-173). They cannot reconcile that some of their colleagues died in the war because they failed to act or cared so much about personal safety. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) has become the most common mental condition that is diagnosed among former military service officers (Smith and True148). According to Demers (160), 31 percent of the soldiers that have been deployed in war zones get diagnosed with PSTD. PSTD is as a result of the horrendous encounters in the war which subject the soldiers to extreme stress. Psychological problems such as depression detach former soldiers from the rest of the civilian population. As OBrien (97-108), reveals, some of the veterans are so disconnected with the civilian life that they fail to create an emotional attachment with events in the civilian world. The story of Bowker reveals a man who is overwhelmed by thoughts of war yet he cannot find someone to share such painful experiences. This situation aggravated by the lack of information on the part of the civilian population in regards to the effect of war experiences on soldiers (Dickerson 15 Nov, 2015). The nature of the western culture compounds the mental problems of veterans. Western societies have developed into tight-knit communities which allow little camaraderie that is common in the military (Smith and True 148). Nobody is around for the former military service personnel to talk to as the Western life has become individualized. In view of the social interactions, veterans consider telling stories and interacting with friends as one of the effective ways of coping with traumatic war experiences (Demers 164). According to Demers, it is a natural way of telling ones life story, and it often comes with great satisfaction. Brown (26) concurs that social connection is vital in overcoming worries associated with war. Due to the disruptive and emotional nature of traumatic experiences, veterans encounter additional challenges of seeking personal identity especially in civilian settings(Demers 163).As a result, veterans become disconnected, delaying the process of reintegration into the civilian culture. According to OBrien (98-104), the failure to locate ones identity is evidenced in Bowkers inability to reconcile his thoughts. The situation is compounded by the lack of friends and his disconnectedness with family members. PSTDs destructive nature also leaves veterans frustrated and despondent with life. Since most of the victims suffer in silence, they end up seeking solace in alcohol (Demers 160).Psychological studies find that most alcohol-dependent veterans exhibit symptoms of PSTD; PSTD precedes alcohol problems that are common with ex-soldiers (Brown 5).The dependence on alcohol comes as a result of failure to access professional transition services as well as the inadequate social bond between friends and families. Through Bowker, OBrien depicts the life of an ex-soldier consuming excessive amount of alcohol as a way of seeking solace from his troubled world. Yet, this approach does not solve much of the problems, exposing the life of the veteran to more suffering. Veterans that do not receive much attention in the treatment of PSTD often display anger and depression (Demers 160).The social disconnect is likely to make an ex-soldier live in bitterness and, may lead to engagement in criminal activities as a consequence of extreme aggressiveness (Brown 4).According to Brown (4-5), veterans account for 10 percent of bookings at prison facilities in the US. Common crimes include murder, assault, and attempted murder. Similarly, OBrien presents Bowker as angry and bitter with his life. Such situation may expose him to acts that are in contravention of the law (103-109). Economic problems make a prominent feature in OBriens narration. Veterans are depicted as stragglers in the search for employment opportunities (OBrien 108).The failure to secure a job results from several factors. For instance, in the civilian workplace, social relationships are essential for successful performance. This may not be achieved by a former military service officer considering that most of them suffer from psychological problems. According to Demers (163-172), ex-soldiers (especially young veterans) find it difficult to cope with the workplace environment due to poor reintegration rate and lack of the appropriate skills that match available job opportunities. Furthermore, some may experience challenges in acquiring new skills that would fit the requirements of the civilian labor market. Through the narrator, OBrien exposes the transition challenges young veterans encounter in their efforts to acquire relevant skills in the labor market. He narrates that Bowker changed se veral jobs in a short period and also dropped out of college (OBrien 108-109).Such behaviors depict veterans as disjointed and disoriented. As Demers (162-64) notes, the failure to last for long on a single job reflects a failure in the process of transition. The situation is worsened by the low level of awareness among the civilians in regards to the psychological problems faced by veterans. Those that fail to handle the pressures of unemployment and psychological challenges often engage in crime while others may commit suicide in resignation (Brown 5; OBrien 108-09). Although some soldiers succeed in reintegrating into the civilian culture, the memories of war events often remain part of their lives for many years. Some of the scars never go away. According to OBrien (91-94), the relationships of the soldiers with their families are likely to be affected due to the inability to reveal some of the experiences of the war. There are some war secrets that veterans fail to reveal for the rest of their lives. Despite the success the narrator has achieved in reintegrating into the civilian culture, memories of the gruesome events of the war continue to haunt him. This is seen in his decision to go back to Vietnam to revisit the scene where his friend died during the war. Also, he decides to plunge himself into the river on the scene of Kiowas death (92-94).These actions depict a person who has not fully recovered from the mental ravages of the war. In conclusion, OBrien illustrates several problems that veterans endure in non-combat settings. Most of the ex-soldiers face severe guilt problems that are rooted in the failure to protect the death of some of their friends and colleague during the war or the realities of civilian culture. Others suffer from PSTD which affects their social skills and also predisposes them to suicidal tendencies and crime. Due to the non-gregarious nature of the Western society, most veterans find it difficult to shake off the horrors of the war; few persons are available for socialization. Moreover, the lack of understanding among civilian population regarding the psychological conditions of former soldiers further exposes them to isolation. On overall, OBrien emphasizes that no matter much the veterans integrate into the civilian culture, the scars of the war may never be erased. Brown, WilliamB. From War Zones to Jail: Veteran Reintegration Problems. Policy Justice Journal, vol.8, no.1,2011, pp.1-48. Demers, Anne. When Veterans Return: The Role of Community in Reintegration. Journal of Loss and Trauma, vol.16, no.2,2011, pp.160-179. Dickerson, Kelly. Soldiers returning home are faced with a heartbreaking problem most people dont understand. Business Insider, 15Nov.2015. OBrien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction. Broadway Books,1998. Smith, R.T., and G. True. Warring Identities: Identity Conflict and the Mental Distress of American Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Society and Mental Health, vol.4, no.2,2014, pp.147-161.

Friday, November 22, 2019

HN2200 Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HN2200 Assignment 3 - Essay Example As the newly appointed HR manager, I believe that it is my duty to look after our employee’s needs and benefits. I had the chance to have a glance at the employees individual profiles and I noticed that, the employees are mostly young, responsible, dedicated and decent college graduates who are in their first of second job. They are witty and they have the knack to work well with others. They are courageous, and I can see in them that if they are properly taken cared of, they would become assets to the company. There is also a mix of both Qataris and expatriate employees in the workforce. Some of them are married with young children, but most of them are still single and are very responsible and dedicated to their work during their work time. Dedicated as they are to their respective areas of responsibilities, they also value their free time away from work and lead very active lives outside of work. They are involved in many different recreational and sporting activities. Standard health benefits package which includes varying degree of health coverage, and a few fringe benefits. The health benefit would cover about 80% of the cost of medical insurance for employees and their dependents, depending on the age and marital status of the workforce, or a choice between HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) and a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization). The HMO dental coverage is to be included as health benefit and would follow a similar 80-20 pattern. Vision coverage is also to be added. Vision coverage includes free annual eye examination plus a yearly allowance for new glasses or contact lenses. Long-term disability is a standard health benefit to protect income for ongoing family needs in the event of a catastrophe. Since no benefit plan would satisfy all the workers, we should strive for flexibility. For example, the older employees would want to care about the hospital confinement or may opt for greater flexibility in choosing their own doctors,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal goal - Essay Example Examination of such goals in the light of changing global dynamics can allow one to be prepared for future challenges. My personal goal is to become an educator in near future. The reason for selecting this field is its continuous innovation and evolution. Where becoming an educator requires one to remain upbeat with recent advancements in given field of study but also keep one’s skills inventory updated according to new inventions in the field of education. With advent of new technology, emphasis on second language learning and also changed educational regimes supported by changes in government policies, teachers are required to be highly skilled. Being skilled does not only means having command over the subject matter but also having capacity and capability of meeting individual students’ needs in a whole class. Furthermore, technological interventions have completely transformed the landscape of classrooms in past decade or so. Mobile lectures, online coaching and ex aminations are common tools used by instructors today. It is important to note that this scenario is highly different than what existed in schools some ten years back. In addition to that, government policies like no child left behind, no discrimination and care for vulnerable students has also increased the importance of educators. Today, educators are not only source of knowledge but they are also guardians and mentors of their students. This multi-faceted role increases further when global dynamics get involved. Universities, schools and colleges cater to students from different nationalities, cultural groups and religions. Such amalgamation of cultural and social values cannot be dealt with a uniform approach. Therefore, it is important that educators are culturally sensitive and neutral while dealing with such students (Burbules and Torres 23). In addition to that, there are also substitute replacement programs where educators from different countries serve in educational insti tutes across the border. Such robust environment requires educators to remain aware of advancement in their fields and adapt to changing environments, furthermore it is also important to have an ability of handling audience comprising of different demographic characteristics. Where I am well-aware of the requirement of global environment in education sector, I see myself progressing from a role of teacher to a researcher and published author in the given field. This role would be accompanied by continuation of the role of educator at senior level i.e. professor or lecturer in a reputed institute. I would also like to be part of curriculum designing in coming ten years. I am aware of the fact that due to changing global dynamics and interchangeable cultural, social and technological characteristics of educational sector, the concepts of lifelong learning will not apply to students but also to teachers as well. Therefore, I am willing to learn teaching techniques that would be require d in a global learning environment. Awareness of impacts of globalization on my personal and professional goals has enabled me to be prepared for future challenges. Due to information communication and technology (ICT) along with multiculturalism is the global curriculum, teachers are under a greater burden to adopt uniform educational techniques

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fashion Trend in 2009 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fashion Trend in 2009 - Case Study Example The study "Fashion Trend in 2009" concerns the 2009's trend. The target market segment for the new designed products is middle market. The availability of cotton products in the middle class are only nominal due to the high production cost relating to the organic cotton products. Through direct purchasing and synthesizing of raw material the production cost can be signicantly reduced. This will help to focus on the middle market through appropriate pricing policies. â€Å"The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase your offering. If done properly this will help to insure the highest return for your marketing/sales expenditures.† The in-store presentation of the product will be in a sophisticated manner by using attractive presentation and display tactics. There should be separate section for the Y’s Passion series in the shop. The section will be made attractive by us ing glass tubes and light presentation. The product range should be of T -shirts clothing which is suitable for both men and women category. It will be available in 5 elegant colors. Comfortably fitting and skin friendly material renders a cool effect by easily absorbing the sweat. Products with unique and attractive modern designs which are affordable even to the middle class consumers, are the main feature of ‘Y’s passion’. Overall image of the product should be differentiated by its color and trendy designs and the fact that it is made from cotton. 100% pure organic cotton. The product must carry a new brand name followed by the company name. The brand name for the product range is "Y's Passion" which is a catchy one that will evolve interest and immediate attention. Following are the images of Y's Passion range products: Product features: "100% organic cotton, Color: Jersey Crewneck, 4 plus color fastness, shrinkage is less than 4 %." (Packing Bags: Organic Cotton T-Shirts). Product features: "Avocado Green", "Size: 5.8-oz. standard weight, double-needle stitching, cover-stitched hems, durability." (Visualize World Peas Women's Organic T Shirt Avocado Green). Product feature: Made from 100 % pure organic cotton, yellow haze, size: XL (100% Organic Cotton - (eco dad) T Shirt Yellow Haze XL (Extra Large)). 5. Dominant trends: The color of the products is its main interesting factor and attractive stylish rare color combinations are used for the product design. The environment friendly, high quality, perfect fit, highly stylish, comfortable, very insignificant percentage of shrinkage, fine fabric strength, textures and color fastness are other attractive features of the product. Moreover, the increasing popularity of cotton garments is an added advantage to the product, "Sales of organic cotton are set to triple to $2.6 billion at the end of 2008 from its current $900 million level as retailers and brands make significant new commitments to sustainable textile and apparel production." (Mowbray). 6. Country of manufacture: The manufacturing country for the product is India because of the availability of organic

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Plato | Introduction and Evaluation

Plato | Introduction and Evaluation Plato An allegory, by definition, is a figurative mode of representation conveying a meaning other then the literal. An allegory is referred to as a figure of language but it does not need to be expressed this way. It can be expressed in pictures, sculptures, and other forms of art. The â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† is of that used by Plato within his work, The Republic. This work is examined by his student Socrates and is found to be related to Plato’s â€Å"Metaphor of the Sun† and â€Å"analogy of the divided line.† Plato’s Republic tries to illustrate the degrees in which our nature can be enlightened or unenlightened. Plato in a discussion with an acquaintance by the name Glaucon, urges him to imagine the condition of men living in a sort of cavernous chamber underground, with an entrance open to the light and a long passage all down the cave. Here the men have remained since childhood, chained by the leg and by the neck. The men cannot move and can only see what is in front of them. At a high distance up there is a light of a fire burning behind them, between said fire and the prisoners there is a parapet built along it. This is used to hide the performers who show their puppets along the top of the parapet. Behind the parapet, there are a number of people carrying various artificial objects, including figures of men and animals in wood or stone and various other materials. There objects are projected above the parapet. Some of the persons are talking while others remain silent. According to Plato the prisoners confined would see nothing of themselves or others except for a bit of the cave shadows carried past. They would also only speak in reference to said shadows. In every way, the prisoners would recognize reality as nothing but the shadows of those artificial objects. Plato then asks us to consider what would happen if one of the prisoners was released from their chains and set free. That prisoner would be forced to have to stand up, walk upright, and walk with his eyes directed towards the light. All these movements would be painful to said prisoner. The prisoner would also be dazzled by all that existed in this â€Å"outside world† to notice what objects had been making the illusions and shadows all along. If someone told him that what he had formerly had seen was a meaningless illusion and was actually now nearer to reality then before, it would be extremely difficult for the prisoner to believe. If someone actually showed him the various obje cts being carried and told what each of them was, the prisoner would be perplexed and would probably believe that most of the objects shown to him were not real and what he formerly saw was. Plato then goes on to detail what would happen if the prisoner had to look at the firelight itself. According to Plato, the prisoner’s eyes would ache and he would try to escape to the things he could see distinctly. The prisoner would then be convinced that they were clearer then those other objects being shown to him. Plato also addresses what would happen if the prisoner were to be dragged away forcibly up the steep and rugged ascent and would not be let go until he faced the sunlight. The prisoner would be so affected by his treatment that he would suffer pain and confusion. The prisoner would then be blinded by the light of the sun and would not be able to see any of the objects he was told were now existent and real. The prisoner would need to grow accustomed before he could see things in the â€Å"upper world.† He would have to start small, viewing things such as shadows and reflections before he viewed more complex images such as that of sky, the light of the moon, and the stars. The prisoner would then move on to view the Sun and contemplate its existence. From examining it, the prisoner would then conclude that the Sun produces the seasons and the course of the year and controls everything in the visible world, and moreover it is the cause of all that he and his companions use to see. The prisoner would then consider his former fellow prisoners and he would surely think himself happy in the change and would feel sorry for them. The prisoners may have had a practice where they honored and commended one another, with a prize for the man who had the keenest eye for the passing of shadows and the best memory for the order in which they followed or accompanied one another, so that he could make a good guess as to which was going to come next. Plato questions whether the released prisoner would be likely to covet those prizes or to envy the men exalted to honor or power in the cave. Plato questions if the prisoner would be like Homer’s Achilles, and he would far sooner endure â€Å"being on earth as a hired servant in the house of a landless man† or endure anything rather then go back to his old beliefs and live in the old way. Plato then goes on to imagine what would happen if the prisoner went down again to take his former place within the cave. The prisoner would be emerging from the sunlight into a cavern filled with darkness. He would possibly be required to give his opinion on shadows, in competition with the prisoners who had never been released, while his eyes were still dim and unsteady, since the prisoner has not yet accustomed himself to the light. The other prisoners would laugh at him and say that he had left only to come back with his eyesight damaged, this according to itself would caution them from attempting to escape the cave. If someone did try to free them, they would more then likely to lay hands upon said person and try to kill them. Plato then goes on to explain several things. The prison-like cave corresponds to the region revealed to us through the sense of sight and the firelight within it is similar to the power of the sun. The ascent to see the things in the upper world would be similar to the upward journey of the soul into the intelligible world. According to Plato, this is what he feels to be true but only Heaven truly knows whether it is true. According to Plato, in the world of knowledge, the last thing to be perceived and with great difficultly is the essential Form of Goodness. Once it is perceived, the conclusions must follow that, for all things, this is the cause of whatever is right and good in the visible world it gives birth to light and to the lord of light, white it is itself sovereign in the intelligible world and the parent of intelligence and truth. Without having had a vision of this Form no one can act with wisdom, either in his own life or in matters of the state According to Plato, individuals who have reached this state are often reluctant to manage the affairs of men. Their souls long to spend all their time in the upper world. They would have a difficult time interpreting from larger affairs such as the contemplation of divine things as opposed to the miseries of normal human life. The sensible man will remember that the eyes may be confused in two ways, by the change from light to darkness or from darkness to light; he will recognize that the same thing happens to the soul. He will then notice that the soul faces such differences. The soul will have difficulty differentiating between good and evil. In essence, education is not what it is said to be by some it does not put knowledge into a soul which goes not possess it, on the contrary, the soul has every available capability to have the power of leaning the truth and the organ to see it with. In order for one’s eye to see light instead of darkness their entire soul must be turned away from the changing world until its eye can bear to contemplate reality and the supreme splendor which we have called the Good. Hence there may well be an art whose aim would be to affect this very thing, the conversion of the soul; this would ensure that the soul instead of looking in the wrong direction would face the way it ought to be. We as individuals have souls that tell us the difference between good and evil. Our conscience helps us in learning what is morally acceptable and what is ultimately not. According to Plato, wisdom is the virtue of divine faculty, it never loses its power, its use for good or evil depends on which way it is turned. The use of wisdom, however, can be greatly harmful when it is used for evil. Plato then goes on to detail how a state cannot be properly governed by those who are uneducated. These people know nothing of the truth and cannot differentiate from what is good and what is inherently evil. It is up to the duty of philosophers to inform the public of what is good. Philosophers must teach other to make the journey towards wisdom. It is then that law can be property applied to ensure the welfare of the commonwealth as a whole. This will ultimately unite citizens in harmony; the community will share its rights and privileges as one. This will ultimately lead to a more united state. According to Plato, there is no real injustice in compelling philosophers to watch over and care for other citizens. Philosophers will have to act as teachers and mentors to ultimately secure the safety of a nation. Due to this, individuals will become more capable of being men of thought and men of action. Individuals would then be able to live with the rest of the world in â€Å"darkness.† The only difference is that they will be able to recognize every image for what it is and what it represents. These individuals will already be familiar with the concepts of justice, beauty, and goodness. Due to this, society would be more suitable to live in. Those in office or in power will understand the needs of their nation and of their people. According to Plato, this government will ultimately be based in truth. A true government is at its best and free only when its rulers understands the consequences of his actions, the needs of his people, and does not desire power and glory. The holding of ruler and power will only be viewed as an unavoidable necessity. The truth, according to Plato, is that we can have a well-governed society only if our rulers discover that there is a better life then that of being in office. Then power will be in the hands of men who value happiness and a good wise life above everything else. What goes wrong in government is when individuals seek happiness and power from public affairs. These rulers seek about fighting for power, thus ruining themselves and their own country. The life of true philosophy is that only one that looks down upon offices of state, who does not seek power and who does not love the ability to rule. If this does not exist, then life is open to warfare and turmoil. Ultimately, the best life is that of one lead by someone who seeks the best principles of government. One who does not covet power or wealth. This will ultimately lead to a good life for the ruler and his nation, this in the end being the best reward of all. Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† explains to us how we as individuals are in a â€Å"lower realm† of knowledge. The Allegory of the Cave symbolizes this journey and how it would look to those still in a lower realm. Plato is saying that humans are all prisoners and that the tangible world is our cave. The things which we perceive as real are actually just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of the sun, we amass knowledge and ascend into the light of true reality, where ideas in our minds can help us understand the form of â€Å"The Good†. This notion of â€Å"The Good† ultimately leads us to live successful lives that are based on knowledge, much like rulers who know what is needed to maintain the welfare of their nation. Knowledge is the greatest thing to have, according to Plato it is the basis for all things â€Å"good† within the universe.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

One Day at Work Essay -- Descriptive Writing Examples

One Day at Work Every day, I followed the same old routine. Get up, eat breakfast, find my work vest, get dressed, leave. White polo shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Little red PharMor vest. Every single day. No variation, no chance for change or creativity. When working somewhere as mundane as a grocery store, you almost pray that something exciting happens to you during the day. But never does a cashier hope to encounter a tremendously irascible customer, the way that one summer day turned out for me. I followed my humdrum routine, arriving for work on time, punching in, and returning to the front to begin my shift. The store was mostly calm, except for the constant beeping of the registers, the bickering of elderly couples, and the hum of activity swirling about the manager's desk. In other words, there was nothing out of the ordinary at all at good old PharMor. I was used to the noise, to the persnickety comments from customers, and to our sarcastic managers. Just when I thought I'd heard every possible complaint, seen every possible accident - it got worse. ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Investigatory project

Required materials All purpose flour Water Jar with a Lid Spoon Brush Newspaper Estimated Experiment Time Less than 5 minutes to make the glue, about 15 minutes for it to dry (when applied) Step-By-Step Procedure 1. Mix one cup of flour with one-half a cup of water together in the Jar. Use the spoon to make sure the mixture is stirred well. This will become your glue. 2. Use your glue mixture to glue the newspaper into various shapes. Do this by brushing the glue onto the newspaper and attaching the edges to the glued area. 3. Let the glued newspapers sit for about 1 5 to 30 minutes. What happens? NoteThe glue won't be as strong as traditionally glue, but you'll find It very effective when gluing paper. Best of all. The glue Is completely environmentally friendly! Store your left-over glue in your air-tight Jar in your refrigerator. Observation After your newspaper has dried, what happens when you lightly tug on the section that you glued? Does it come apart easily, or does it stick? Compare the strength of your homemade glue against store-bought glue. To do this, create a secondary shape with a new piece of newspaper. Instead of using your home-made glue, use some Elm's glue (or equivalent). Let the glue dry.Compare and contrast the strength of the two glued newspapers. Is one stronger than the other? If so, which one? Result A chemical reaction occurs (evaporation of water) as the â€Å"glue† begins to dry, making it hard. This is the same process occurs when you leave the lid of a bottle of Elm's Glue open for too long. Eventually the exposure to the atmosphere will cause the water to evaporate and make the glue harden. Sponsored Links Take a moment to vault our table of Periodic Elements page where you can get an Len- depth view of all the elements, complete with the Industry first side-by-side element comparisons! Investigatory project Proper management disposal, this is the problem that we encountered nowadays, people with no discipline or no concern to our environment Just throw their garbage anywhere. Term papers for college students, memos for company, employees, sketch pads for visual artist, love letters for lovers – all of these documents would never come to life without the papers we write on. It may come in various sizes, colors, shapes and recently, some may have scents, the question is, do humans know what is the writing tool made of?Ruining the environment is Just ruining your life because all living things in this world are dependent on the supply given by the environment, we have foods, clothes, and shelter because of the environment but through the problem on the proper management disposal, our environment affects, so the supply given by the environment will be lessen and as a result, there will be scarcity in our primary needs which are the foods, clothes, and shelter and there is a possibili ty that lots of people will die because of hunger or some of them will get insane.Through informing those people who have no concern to our environment that our life is connected to it and all things we have was coming from the environment like our primary needs that avoid us from danger, so through informing may be we can persuade the people to be involved in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal.The study is sorely concerned to our environment, It discusses about the three simple ways in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal by means of the three words: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; reducing the problem, use and recycle such waste materials like papers, so through this ways, we can save and protect our environment.The study also discusses about chemicals found in the papers and turning trash Into cheap source of energy like the product of this study which Is Recycled Paper Charcoal Fuel. Nevertheless of our Imperfection, we can still hurt our environm ent by our dally activities Like burning our garbage even we didn't mean it but we have to save and protect our environment through lessening the problem on the proper management disposal because our life Is connected to It. Investigatory project One of the major observations of the researcher to the students of San Vaccine National High School is that most of the students has a dental problem, dry skin and ray hair, which is an obvious effect of lack of nutrients In the food that they eat. The researcher came out to the idea to make a nutritious food that will help the student to get mineral and vitamins through the food that they eat. Fruits and vegetables are one of the healthy foods found on earth.This type of category includes all frozen, canned fruit/vegetables and French food. Fruits and vegetables are the good source of minerals, vitamins and fibers. It is suggested to have around five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Pastilles or Milk Candy was one of the favorite native delicacies here in the Philippines, usually served for dessert. It is easy to prepare because it can be made with Just milk and sugar. To make the pastilles more nutritious the researcher added assault leaves because of its vitamins and minera ls content.Lydia Marred ,a Filipino scientist once said : † Assault leaves are rich in beta carotene for good eyesight, iron for healthy red blood cells, calcium for strong bones and teeth, vitamin C for smooth, clean skin, strong Immune cells, and fast wound-healing and Valetta E for younger looking skin The researcher also alms to sell pastilles De assault as one of the Income Generating Project of the Science Department to provide support to the deserving.This research aimed to produce nutritious Pastilles from Assault ( Chorus Littorals) Specifically, it aimed to answer the flirtatiousness's: 1 .What are the health benefits of Assault Pastilles that makes it nutritious? 2. Can the slimy taste of dried leaves assault be lessened? 3. What is the level of acceptability of the product to the consumer by considering the following variables:he dried leaves of Assault has no health benefits. 2. The slimy taste of dried leaves assault will not be lessened. 3. Assault Pastilles wil l not be acceptable to the consumer in terms of its taste, odor, and texture The students will be aware that choosing the right food affect their whole being. . The students and teachers even the community will be aware of the health benefits of assault such as: Assault being rich in vitamins and minerals generally promotes good health and well-being. Assault being rich in vitamin A can provide health benefits for good eyesight. Assault contains vitamin E and other antioxidants. It is said to prevent wrinkles ND promote youthful looking skin. Assault is used to treat inflammation and pain such as arthritis, headache, stomach ache and others. Assault being rich in fiber helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol build-up, diabetes and prevents heart disease.Assault leaves are rich in fiber and its slimy consistency when cooked is used to treat various digestive problems such as diarrhea, stomach ache, dysentery, constipation and ulcers. It is also claimed that together with other h erbs it can cure cancer. 3. The students will give importance to the fruits and vegetable those are Just around their backyard r community. 4. The students and teachers will be interested in experimenting different varieties of nutritious food. 5. The consumer of assault pastilles will benefit from the vitamins and minerals it contains. 6.The community will give importance to the assault and try to plant this in their yard especially it can grow at any type of soil assault pastilles. 8. The study will be beneficial to the small entrepreneur to make improvement of the recipe. Investigatory project Required materials All purpose flour Water Jar with a Lid Spoon Brush Newspaper Estimated Experiment Time Less than 5 minutes to make the glue, about 15 minutes for it to dry (when applied) Step-By-Step Procedure 1. Mix one cup of flour with one-half a cup of water together in the Jar. Use the spoon to make sure the mixture is stirred well. This will become your glue. 2. Use your glue mixture to glue the newspaper into various shapes. Do this by brushing the glue onto the newspaper and attaching the edges to the glued area. 3. Let the glued newspapers sit for about 1 5 to 30 minutes. What happens? NoteThe glue won't be as strong as traditionally glue, but you'll find It very effective when gluing paper. Best of all. The glue Is completely environmentally friendly! Store your left-over glue in your air-tight Jar in your refrigerator. Observation After your newspaper has dried, what happens when you lightly tug on the section that you glued? Does it come apart easily, or does it stick? Compare the strength of your homemade glue against store-bought glue. To do this, create a secondary shape with a new piece of newspaper. Instead of using your home-made glue, use some Elm's glue (or equivalent). Let the glue dry.Compare and contrast the strength of the two glued newspapers. Is one stronger than the other? If so, which one? Result A chemical reaction occurs (evaporation of water) as the â€Å"glue† begins to dry, making it hard. This is the same process occurs when you leave the lid of a bottle of Elm's Glue open for too long. Eventually the exposure to the atmosphere will cause the water to evaporate and make the glue harden. Sponsored Links Take a moment to vault our table of Periodic Elements page where you can get an Len- depth view of all the elements, complete with the Industry first side-by-side element comparisons! Investigatory project One of the major observations of the researcher to the students of San Vaccine National High School is that most of the students has a dental problem, dry skin and ray hair, which is an obvious effect of lack of nutrients In the food that they eat. The researcher came out to the idea to make a nutritious food that will help the student to get mineral and vitamins through the food that they eat. Fruits and vegetables are one of the healthy foods found on earth.This type of category includes all frozen, canned fruit/vegetables and French food. Fruits and vegetables are the good source of minerals, vitamins and fibers. It is suggested to have around five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Pastilles or Milk Candy was one of the favorite native delicacies here in the Philippines, usually served for dessert. It is easy to prepare because it can be made with Just milk and sugar. To make the pastilles more nutritious the researcher added assault leaves because of its vitamins and minera ls content.Lydia Marred ,a Filipino scientist once said : † Assault leaves are rich in beta carotene for good eyesight, iron for healthy red blood cells, calcium for strong bones and teeth, vitamin C for smooth, clean skin, strong Immune cells, and fast wound-healing and Valetta E for younger looking skin The researcher also alms to sell pastilles De assault as one of the Income Generating Project of the Science Department to provide support to the deserving.This research aimed to produce nutritious Pastilles from Assault ( Chorus Littorals) Specifically, it aimed to answer the flirtatiousness's: 1 .What are the health benefits of Assault Pastilles that makes it nutritious? 2. Can the slimy taste of dried leaves assault be lessened? 3. What is the level of acceptability of the product to the consumer by considering the following variables:he dried leaves of Assault has no health benefits. 2. The slimy taste of dried leaves assault will not be lessened. 3. Assault Pastilles wil l not be acceptable to the consumer in terms of its taste, odor, and texture The students will be aware that choosing the right food affect their whole being. . The students and teachers even the community will be aware of the health benefits of assault such as: Assault being rich in vitamins and minerals generally promotes good health and well-being. Assault being rich in vitamin A can provide health benefits for good eyesight. Assault contains vitamin E and other antioxidants. It is said to prevent wrinkles ND promote youthful looking skin. Assault is used to treat inflammation and pain such as arthritis, headache, stomach ache and others. Assault being rich in fiber helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol build-up, diabetes and prevents heart disease.Assault leaves are rich in fiber and its slimy consistency when cooked is used to treat various digestive problems such as diarrhea, stomach ache, dysentery, constipation and ulcers. It is also claimed that together with other h erbs it can cure cancer. 3. The students will give importance to the fruits and vegetable those are Just around their backyard r community. 4. The students and teachers will be interested in experimenting different varieties of nutritious food. 5. The consumer of assault pastilles will benefit from the vitamins and minerals it contains. 6.The community will give importance to the assault and try to plant this in their yard especially it can grow at any type of soil assault pastilles. 8. The study will be beneficial to the small entrepreneur to make improvement of the recipe. Investigatory project Proper management disposal, this is the problem that we encountered nowadays, people with no discipline or no concern to our environment Just throw their garbage anywhere. Term papers for college students, memos for company, employees, sketch pads for visual artist, love letters for lovers – all of these documents would never come to life without the papers we write on. It may come in various sizes, colors, shapes and recently, some may have scents, the question is, do humans know what is the writing tool made of?Ruining the environment is Just ruining your life because all living things in this world are dependent on the supply given by the environment, we have foods, clothes, and shelter because of the environment but through the problem on the proper management disposal, our environment affects, so the supply given by the environment will be lessen and as a result, there will be scarcity in our primary needs which are the foods, clothes, and shelter and there is a possibili ty that lots of people will die because of hunger or some of them will get insane.Through informing those people who have no concern to our environment that our life is connected to it and all things we have was coming from the environment like our primary needs that avoid us from danger, so through informing may be we can persuade the people to be involved in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal.The study is sorely concerned to our environment, It discusses about the three simple ways in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal by means of the three words: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; reducing the problem, use and recycle such waste materials like papers, so through this ways, we can save and protect our environment.The study also discusses about chemicals found in the papers and turning trash Into cheap source of energy like the product of this study which Is Recycled Paper Charcoal Fuel. Nevertheless of our Imperfection, we can still hurt our environm ent by our dally activities Like burning our garbage even we didn't mean it but we have to save and protect our environment through lessening the problem on the proper management disposal because our life Is connected to It. Investigatory project One of the major observations of the researcher to the students of San Vaccine National High School is that most of the students has a dental problem, dry skin and ray hair, which is an obvious effect of lack of nutrients In the food that they eat. The researcher came out to the idea to make a nutritious food that will help the student to get mineral and vitamins through the food that they eat. Fruits and vegetables are one of the healthy foods found on earth.This type of category includes all frozen, canned fruit/vegetables and French food. Fruits and vegetables are the good source of minerals, vitamins and fibers. It is suggested to have around five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Pastilles or Milk Candy was one of the favorite native delicacies here in the Philippines, usually served for dessert. It is easy to prepare because it can be made with Just milk and sugar. To make the pastilles more nutritious the researcher added assault leaves because of its vitamins and minera ls content.Lydia Marred ,a Filipino scientist once said : † Assault leaves are rich in beta carotene for good eyesight, iron for healthy red blood cells, calcium for strong bones and teeth, vitamin C for smooth, clean skin, strong Immune cells, and fast wound-healing and Valetta E for younger looking skin The researcher also alms to sell pastilles De assault as one of the Income Generating Project of the Science Department to provide support to the deserving.This research aimed to produce nutritious Pastilles from Assault ( Chorus Littorals) Specifically, it aimed to answer the flirtatiousness's: 1 .What are the health benefits of Assault Pastilles that makes it nutritious? 2. Can the slimy taste of dried leaves assault be lessened? 3. What is the level of acceptability of the product to the consumer by considering the following variables:he dried leaves of Assault has no health benefits. 2. The slimy taste of dried leaves assault will not be lessened. 3. Assault Pastilles wil l not be acceptable to the consumer in terms of its taste, odor, and texture The students will be aware that choosing the right food affect their whole being. . The students and teachers even the community will be aware of the health benefits of assault such as: Assault being rich in vitamins and minerals generally promotes good health and well-being. Assault being rich in vitamin A can provide health benefits for good eyesight. Assault contains vitamin E and other antioxidants. It is said to prevent wrinkles ND promote youthful looking skin. Assault is used to treat inflammation and pain such as arthritis, headache, stomach ache and others. Assault being rich in fiber helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol build-up, diabetes and prevents heart disease.Assault leaves are rich in fiber and its slimy consistency when cooked is used to treat various digestive problems such as diarrhea, stomach ache, dysentery, constipation and ulcers. It is also claimed that together with other h erbs it can cure cancer. 3. The students will give importance to the fruits and vegetable those are Just around their backyard r community. 4. The students and teachers will be interested in experimenting different varieties of nutritious food. 5. The consumer of assault pastilles will benefit from the vitamins and minerals it contains. 6.The community will give importance to the assault and try to plant this in their yard especially it can grow at any type of soil assault pastilles. 8. The study will be beneficial to the small entrepreneur to make improvement of the recipe. Investigatory project Proper management disposal, this is the problem that we encountered nowadays, people with no discipline or no concern to our environment Just throw their garbage anywhere. Term papers for college students, memos for company, employees, sketch pads for visual artist, love letters for lovers – all of these documents would never come to life without the papers we write on. It may come in various sizes, colors, shapes and recently, some may have scents, the question is, do humans know what is the writing tool made of?Ruining the environment is Just ruining your life because all living things in this world are dependent on the supply given by the environment, we have foods, clothes, and shelter because of the environment but through the problem on the proper management disposal, our environment affects, so the supply given by the environment will be lessen and as a result, there will be scarcity in our primary needs which are the foods, clothes, and shelter and there is a possibili ty that lots of people will die because of hunger or some of them will get insane.Through informing those people who have no concern to our environment that our life is connected to it and all things we have was coming from the environment like our primary needs that avoid us from danger, so through informing may be we can persuade the people to be involved in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal.The study is sorely concerned to our environment, It discusses about the three simple ways in lessening the problem on the proper management disposal by means of the three words: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; reducing the problem, use and recycle such waste materials like papers, so through this ways, we can save and protect our environment.The study also discusses about chemicals found in the papers and turning trash Into cheap source of energy like the product of this study which Is Recycled Paper Charcoal Fuel. Nevertheless of our Imperfection, we can still hurt our environm ent by our dally activities Like burning our garbage even we didn't mean it but we have to save and protect our environment through lessening the problem on the proper management disposal because our life Is connected to It.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tsa Policies

As an aviation management major airport security is a concern that I have taken a huge interest in. Making travel safer to air travelers is one of the biggest tasks that will never end as long as there is a plane in the sky. However, there are many problems that come about when traveling because passengers feel as if they are being harassed, which doesn’t set a good look for the Transportation Security Administration. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) consist of 50,000 security officers, inspectors, directors, air marshals and managers who protect the nation's transportation systems so you and your family can travel safely. They look for bombs at checkpoints in airports, they inspect rail cars, they patrol subways with our law enforcement partners, and they work to make all modes of transportation safe. Criminals and terrorists have been known to conceal items in private areas of the body, especially in the small of the back above the buttocks and high on the thigh. Screeners are to carefully inspect these areas during pat downs to adequately check for dangerous items. Also, underwire bras can set off magnetometers, and bras have been used to conceal dangerous items. One of the most intrusive and most controversial aspects of secondary screening is the use of pat-down inspections to check selected passengers or to resolve magnetometer alarms. Specific complaints over pat-down techniques have centered on allegations of inappropriate touching and unprofessional or rude conduct by screeners. More general complaints have focused on privacy concerns and perceptions that the pat-down procedures were intrusive and humiliating. A 2005, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) investigation and audit of pat-down screening procedures found that the TSA adequately advised passengers of their rights under the pat-down procedures, and appropriately accommodated those rights. The DHS also found that TSA screeners were adequately trained in pat down inspection procedures and, based on TSA records, additional screening procedures were performed on proportionate numbers of male and female passengers. Finally, the DHS found that the TSA had implemented procedures to investigate and resolve passenger complaints regarding the screening process. The TSA maintains a screening Performance Management Information System (PMIS) where recorded complaints are logged. Operations research analysis teams and federal security directors review complaints logged in the database to track trends and identify areas of concern and take appropriate actions, including possible disciplinary actions, to resolve specific issues. Complaints involving allegations of discrimination based on color, race, gender, religion, or national or ethnic origin are forwarded to the TSA’s Office of Civil Rights for further investigation. Despite considerable concern raised by some regarding inappropriate behavior during pat-down screening procedures, the DHS found no problems with the technique. Nonetheless, privacy groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU), continue to express concern over potential intrusion on individual rights and alleged cases of sexual harassment and abuse of passengers, particularly female passengers, by TSA screeners. These concerns, however, raise a significant challenge for the TSA: to maintain high levels of security, which require resolving all alarms and screening in detail those passengers ascertained to pose an elevated security risk, while maintaining the privacy rights and dignity of passengers identified for these secondary screening measures. While these technologies offer a potential alternative to pat-down screening techniques, they too, raise privacy concerns because the images generated by these systems can reveal private areas, physical characteristics that individuals may wish to keep private, as well as prosthetics and other assistive medical devices. In the fast-paced environment of the passenger checkpoint, pat-down searches may be rushed and certain areas may be overlooked. The difficulty in detecting threat items on passengers is compounded by the requirements to respect the privacy of individuals discussed above, as well as social and cultural norms and individual differences regarding interpersonal contact and expectations of privacy and modesty. Some have also noted cultural sensitivities toward handicapped and disabled individuals and point out that screeners are sometimes hesitant to perform intrusive searches, particularly on individuals wearing various prosthetics. Terrorists and criminals can and have exploited these aspects of individual privacy by concealing prohibited items in body cavities and near private areas of their bodies, and could also exploit a screener’s reluctance to perform thorough searches of prosthetic devices. Covert testers also use these methods to conceal simulated threat items in an effort to test screeners’ abilities to detect items under real-world conditio ns and identify vulnerabilities in checkpoint screening that can potentially be reduced through procedural modifications and/or changes to screener training. These covert tests have revealed weaknesses in screener performance to detect weapons, simulated explosives, and components of explosive devices.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Gays, Lesbians, Transsexuals And Transvestites

Over the past twenty years, the acceptance of homosexuality and positive change for gay right movements has steadily grown. Currently, â€Å"50% of Americans say society should accept homosexuality.† Our society and government strive so hard for equality yet discriminate against gays and lesbians. I think homosexuals should have the right to choose their own happiness and path of life. Another person’s preferences and attractions should not be criticized by others. Individuality is an important aspect of our society and gays and lesbians should not be persecuted for their beliefs, morals or values they choose to uphold. The disapproval of gays and lesbians stems from ignorance, being deviant from the norm, the need to prove manhood, hate and decades of conditioning. I am not a discriminatory person and therefore do not treat gays and lesbians, differently than others. Although I may not agree with everything they do, there is no reason to treat homosexuals with disrespect. I know many gay men and a few lesbians and support their decisions to date and love whoever makes them happy. Frankly, I was a little taken back the first time I saw one of my best friends, who is gay, kiss his boyfriend. It is difficult to alter your conditioned mind to be open and understanding. Lesbians are more of a sensitive issue for me, opposed to gay men. I think I would be uncomfortable around lesbians displaying affection towards one another. I do not like to offend or hurt people and I think my feelings of shock and awkwardness would be apparent on my face. I do not have a phobia against lesbians and would be a friend to them just as I am to everyone else. Gays and lesbians do not treat me any different than any other person in society. Gay men are friendly with me and always ask me to go shopping with them. I love to shop, especially with my gay friends because they definitely have a great style. Sometimes, gays and lesbians may not respond as wel... Free Essays on Gays, Lesbians, Transsexuals And Transvestites Free Essays on Gays, Lesbians, Transsexuals And Transvestites Over the past twenty years, the acceptance of homosexuality and positive change for gay right movements has steadily grown. Currently, â€Å"50% of Americans say society should accept homosexuality.† Our society and government strive so hard for equality yet discriminate against gays and lesbians. I think homosexuals should have the right to choose their own happiness and path of life. Another person’s preferences and attractions should not be criticized by others. Individuality is an important aspect of our society and gays and lesbians should not be persecuted for their beliefs, morals or values they choose to uphold. The disapproval of gays and lesbians stems from ignorance, being deviant from the norm, the need to prove manhood, hate and decades of conditioning. I am not a discriminatory person and therefore do not treat gays and lesbians, differently than others. Although I may not agree with everything they do, there is no reason to treat homosexuals with disrespect. I know many gay men and a few lesbians and support their decisions to date and love whoever makes them happy. Frankly, I was a little taken back the first time I saw one of my best friends, who is gay, kiss his boyfriend. It is difficult to alter your conditioned mind to be open and understanding. Lesbians are more of a sensitive issue for me, opposed to gay men. I think I would be uncomfortable around lesbians displaying affection towards one another. I do not like to offend or hurt people and I think my feelings of shock and awkwardness would be apparent on my face. I do not have a phobia against lesbians and would be a friend to them just as I am to everyone else. Gays and lesbians do not treat me any different than any other person in society. Gay men are friendly with me and always ask me to go shopping with them. I love to shop, especially with my gay friends because they definitely have a great style. Sometimes, gays and lesbians may not respond as wel...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Anions and Cations in Biological Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Anions and Cations in Biological Systems - Essay Example However, the boundary of 2s has a spherical surface around the nucleus and another spherical shell around the nucleus. Thus there is a node between the two spherical surfaces describing 2s surface while just one spherical surface describes 1s orbital. Q3. The probability distribution function is obtained by multiplying the square of the wave function with 4ï  °r2. Even though the radial part of the wave function is maximum at r = 0; the value of the probability distribution function will be zero only as r = 0. Thus the maximum probability of finding an electron can be at some other value of r; even though the wave function has its maximum value at r = 0. Thus it can be seen that there is no contradiction in probability of finding an electron being maximum at r = 0.529 A and value of the corresponding wave function being maximum at r = 0. Hence the two statements are compatible. Q4. This is because alkali metals are multi electron system unlike hydrogen, which is one electron system. Therefore, in case of hydrogen only electron – nucleus interaction is there and the atomic spectrum of hydrogen is due to electronic transition of just one electron across different excitation states. In case of alkali metals, there being many electrons, there exists interaction among electrons as well besides the electron – nucleus interaction. Further there are many more excitation states and electronic transitions in case of alkali metals (because of many electrons being there) than in case of hydrogen atom. Therefore, the atomic spectrum of an alkali metal is much more complex than that of hydrogen. Q7. First ionization energy of an atom is the value of energy required to pull out the outermost electron from the atom. Its value increases as one traverse from left to right in a period of the periodic table. This is because as one moves from left to right in a period the number of protons I the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Hopitality Companies Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hopitality Companies Project - Research Paper Example It is not intended to be a vacation destination, but rather a clean and comfy place to rest before moving on with the journey. It is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Best Western International offers franchise rights to independent owners, therefore all Best Western hotels are independently owned. Other than any assets that are corporately-owned, this hotel administration acts as the team that handles marketing promotions and makes sure that the brand image is being sent consistently through the licensing efforts. Red Roof Inn has just over 325 locations across the country that are owned by the parent company. Best Western offers many different promotions aimed toward their target markets: the business traveler and the low-resource buyer. During a particular period, the buyer can stay twice and receive a $50 gift card (bestwestern.com, 2010). There is another promotion that involves completing a voting survey to win one million rewards points for Best Western. These promotions show how they have cost in mind and trying to build loyalty in mid-priced target segments. Red Roof Inn has the RediCard which is another type of promotion offering reward points for multiple stays at the chain (redroof.com, 2010). This promotion is aimed at the budget-minded traveler by offering more incentives to get them to remain loyal to Red Roof. There are many smaller, inexpensive hotels and motels that compete with Red Roof therefore they need to remain focused on cost and efficiency. Both Best Western and Red Roof have locations in Miami. Red Roof has a hotel at the Miami Airport with a nice exterior. Best Western has a facility known as the Floridian as well as another location at the Miami Airport. Best Western is located in over 30 different countries, including Belgium, Croatia, Ireland, New Zealand and India (bestwestern.com, 2010). This chain has a very large international presence which would

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Information communication technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information communication technology - Essay Example Thus, it is preceded by an extensive study on the technological needs of a group before deciding on whatever application to be developed to meet the needs. Rothman, Sandberg, & Jacques, (2011) points out that there is a high rate of retention and acceptance of a project that meets the most pressing needs of people in a society. From that point forward, it is important to find out about how to develop the application. This should be in line with the intended use of the application and the people that will utilize. Hence, it will guide the design and the interface to be used while developing it. At the same time, the developer of that particular application should consider the ease with which the application will be put into use (Toyama, 2011). For instance, social applications should be simple to use and straight forward unlike those used in corporations that should incorporate the unique needs of each corporate sector. The training of these people on the use of an application is much easier when they are part of the conception process. The adoption process and the eager to learn about how the application works will be inspired by the level with which the application meets the needs of clients. Education on the use of new technology can be availed to the target people through various means. To begin with, there can be the distribution of printouts on the application and its benefits including the instruction on use. Apart from that media can provide a better platform to spread the technological advancements because it reaches a large number of people within a short period. In addition, one can organize training session at different places so as not to interfere with the day to day activities of people to train them on the use of the application and its benefits. There quite a number of expenses encountered in the process of developing an application. To begin with there is an initial cost of determining the community

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Analyst vs. Financial Analyst Essay Example for Free

Business Analyst vs. Financial Analyst Essay Analyst is an essential job in our society. They make analyses to help people figure out problems, and point out a positive way to solve problems. Analysts almost apply in every different professional area, such as political analyst, military analyst, and economic analyst. They analysis all information with their professional knowledge, and then translate a certain language which everybody can understand easily. For example, social analyst can use their knowledge to analyze current social problems and provide a useful analysis to government or city hall. Then, people can understand what happen to their society. Therefore, analyst is a necessary job for our society. For business corporations and companies, there are two important analysts for them. They are business and financial analysts. Many people, including employers and employees, dont know what these two analysts are exactly, and what different between them. However, they do exist, and they do help a corporation or company become more efficient and profitable. In other words, they play important roles in business activities. In general term, business and financial analysts have different definition for their position, different working area, and different training path, but they have the same goalto help users have better business condition. According to Julia Scholz, who is a successful business analyst, she said a business analyst is like a road trip planner, helping people plan their map and route (P.1). She says, a BA will help a user determine their wants, focus on a destination or desired outcome, outline possible maps of how to get there (P.1). Simply, business analyst is a communicator or translator to translate what employer wants to their employee. They gather all information from boss, employee, and outside world, and plan an efficient way to achieve their goal. It is not easy to be a good business analyst. Scholz lists some steps that her term and she do everyday to help successful project: 1.Listen to the users: the most important task for business analyst is find  out users demand. What do users desire for? What kind of outcome do they ask for? In what way they hope to achieve their goal? And some suggestion to their employee to improve whole companys operation. These things are important for business analyst making analysis. 2.Document: when a business analyst listens to their users, they need to record and write down all they get from users. They may use computer or recorder to record users words. Then when analysts do analysis, they can use this information quickly and easily. 3.Gather information: a good analyst also needs to do some outside research to determine all possible ways to achieve goal. They need to know current business situation and economic trend because outside activities would affect their analysis and strategy. 4.Translate and analyze: it is the key part for a BA. According to Scholz, a good analyst should be able to listen to the users, analyze their requests, document the requests and then communicate these requests to the development group in a way that the development group can understand (P.3). Most employers dont have chance to speak to employees directly. So the business analyst plays a channel to communicate both employers and employees, and to coordinate both side to achieve final goal. So the job of business analysts is not only making analysis but also communicating requests to each side. In conclusion, Scholz states that, BA is like a translator, able to communication in a users language and a developers language (P.3). So a business analyst should have good communication skill in order to translate users requests to developing department. A BA also may be involved in these area: Data Warehouse, E-Commerce Development, New application Development, New Business Development, Software Package Selection, Software Package Customization, Business Process Improvement (B2Ttraining program P.1). A BA needs to have certain knowledge of these areas to be able analyze all business event and situation. Financial analysts are very similar to business analysts. Financial analysts  also need to gather information and makes analysis. They also help a corporation or company makes more benefits and profits. However, financial analysts work in different aspect and way to achieve users goal. Generally speaking, their goal is to maximize the value of the company. They are just like a doctor. They examine the whole financial condition of a corporation or company, and figure out the virus (bad strategy or financial policy). Then making a good description to improve bad things (making better financial condition). The information that a financial analyst needs to know is like: working capital, account payable turnover, and EPS. A FA needs to know the potential of a company and forecasts the financial needs of the company. In advance, FA can make a correct financial plan to the company. Compare to business analysts, financial analysts consider more about the value of company stock. So when they make financial analysis, they will put market value and stock price at the first place. Financial analysts also require communication and computer skill. They sometimes need to present their analysis in front of the chiefs of all departments, and they also need to operate some accounting software to figure out the value of the company. Totally, the job of financial analysts is to examine the financial system of the company, analyze both good and bad side, gather outside financial situation, and make a forecasting financial plan. Similar to business analysts, they try to help a company operate more efficient and profitable. In fact, business and financial analysts are very similar. They both gather information from inside and outside the company. They both make analysis form the information, and help users to improve users business condition or business competence. They both use computer to help them achieve their tasks. However, they have different aspects to make their analysis. One is emphasizes on whole system of the company and plan a good road to achieve users requests; another is emphasizes on the financial condition of the company and make forecasting financial plan. Generally, they have different ways but the same goal. Reference: 1.Scholz, Julia. What do you analyze? One Analysts View http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:JRtp_0y5V4k:www.businessanalyst.com/BusinessAnalyst.htm+business+analysthl=zh-TW 2001/10/10 2.B2T training. What is a Business Analyst? http://www.b2ttraining.com/BAwhat.htm 2001/10/10. 3.Ross, Stephen A. Fundamentals of Corporate Financial. Toronto: McGraw_hill Ryerson 1999. P. 8-10.