Friday, November 22, 2019

HN2200 Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HN2200 Assignment 3 - Essay Example As the newly appointed HR manager, I believe that it is my duty to look after our employee’s needs and benefits. I had the chance to have a glance at the employees individual profiles and I noticed that, the employees are mostly young, responsible, dedicated and decent college graduates who are in their first of second job. They are witty and they have the knack to work well with others. They are courageous, and I can see in them that if they are properly taken cared of, they would become assets to the company. There is also a mix of both Qataris and expatriate employees in the workforce. Some of them are married with young children, but most of them are still single and are very responsible and dedicated to their work during their work time. Dedicated as they are to their respective areas of responsibilities, they also value their free time away from work and lead very active lives outside of work. They are involved in many different recreational and sporting activities. Standard health benefits package which includes varying degree of health coverage, and a few fringe benefits. The health benefit would cover about 80% of the cost of medical insurance for employees and their dependents, depending on the age and marital status of the workforce, or a choice between HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) and a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization). The HMO dental coverage is to be included as health benefit and would follow a similar 80-20 pattern. Vision coverage is also to be added. Vision coverage includes free annual eye examination plus a yearly allowance for new glasses or contact lenses. Long-term disability is a standard health benefit to protect income for ongoing family needs in the event of a catastrophe. Since no benefit plan would satisfy all the workers, we should strive for flexibility. For example, the older employees would want to care about the hospital confinement or may opt for greater flexibility in choosing their own doctors,

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