Thursday, January 9, 2020

America Needs Internet Censorship Essay - 1046 Words

Tears begin to fall down a child’s face. Her body goes into shock out of fear. Her mother warned her about watching inappropriate content, and there it was, right on her computer screen. This could not have happened though. All she was doing was casually browsing the internet before a pop-up appeared. Although it may seem hard to believe, the major cause of events such as this is the lack of censorship on the internet. Internet censorship relates to the removal of offensive, inappropriate, or controversial content published online. The current problem with the internet is that there are few restrictions on what can be published or viewed. Several sites on the internet only offer a warning about inappropriate content that can easily be†¦show more content†¦As a matter of fact, those individuals with damaging thoughts are the ones that watch and produce pornography. Additionally, â€Å"exposure to obscene material correlates with increased rapes, prostitution, child mo lestation, violent crime, the abuse of women, and sex addiction in men† (Hacker 5). Many of these correlations are a result of ideas that pornography planted in minds. Pornography alone does not cause people to commit a sexual crime, but it affects minds enough to influence people to act in an unethical way. Censoring the internet would also protect the minds of citizens from corrupt propaganda. Propaganda that is placed by the government is generally misleading and discourages deep thinking. An example is Obama’s campaign in 2008. â€Å"People loved [Obama’s campaign], but many did not understand what type of change he was talking about. Such propaganda stirred passions and made people feel good, but it did not allow people to think critically about the issues. Rather, Obama smartly played off anti-incumbent sentiment that was sweeping the nation† (Snowball 71). Other times, the government will place propaganda on the internet to influence citizens to take a certain action. According to John Turner, â€Å"voters are being misled by the propaganda of think tanks and the Coalition.† Propaganda serves as part of government coercion. The propaganda seems to be an encouragement of action,Show MoreRelated Internet Censorship Essay - America Needs Censorship of Cyb erspace1330 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica Needs Censorship of Cyberspace      Ã‚  Ã‚   In June of 1998 the country was horrified to learn of the death of James Byrd Jr. He was a 49-year-old black man who had been found horribly mutilated after being dragged to death. Authorities have charged three men with murder and violation of civil rights (A Fatal Ride in the Night 33). Obviously, if convicted, these men are guilty of a horrible crime, but what if this crime had been committed after viewing a racist website? 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