Thursday, May 7, 2020

Personal Growth And Preparation For Future Goals - 990 Words

Kids these days are involved in numerous sports. Therefore, lots of time is spent practicing. A number of people believe children are too focused on sports and not focused enough on anything else. Young athletes are pushing themselves to become superior everyday; they are spending a large amount of time on the court, the field, or the track. Every year, there are younger children getting involved with sports. Certain people find that it is too much for such young kids. Therefore the criticism towards intensely focused athletes can be overcome by understanding its benefits for personal growth and preparation for future goals. The problem multiple children are facing today is the criticism from adults because they choose to be involved in multiple sports. They make sure that they are spending enough time practicing so they can be perfect. When they practice too much is when people begin to talk. Others believe that these children are spending too much time practicing sports and not enough time focusing on other subjects in their life. They only see them when they are at practice or tournaments, what they don’t witness is when they are at home doing their homework. They believe their life revolves around sports, when it doesn’t. Adults need to stop criticizing young athletes for doing what they desire and need to learn the benefits that they are gaining from the experiences they are receiving. There are parents out there that believe kids are spending too much timeShow MoreRelatedGlobal Leadership Theory For The Future1600 Words   |  7 PagesThis paper will discuss global leadership concerns for the future, identify an emerging leadership theory that could guide a global agenda, determine the level of responsibility a professional has to prepare themselves as a leader and finally, establish a personal plan that will implement my developmental goals, a summary of action steps, report progress along each step and how the plan will support and enhance growth within myself and others. Defining leadership is hard to describe. LeadershipRead MoreTraditional Accounting Services And Business Consulting1298 Words   |  6 Pagesknown throughout the area. Crebtree to enable them to realize their financial goals, accounting and financial needs of businesses and individuals in the works. 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